The Words That You Have to Say Matter Less Than The Face That is Saying Them..

I’ve been doing a little social media experiment. Changing up the type of images that present the words that I have to say.
To no surprise, but with regret, I notice that:

1. A photograph of yourself will generate more interest than a photograph of a ‘randomer’ or of a generic image.
2. Videos of yourself will generate even more interest than that photograph.
3. If you look a little better on a particular photograph or video, you will generate more traffic than on the other photographs or videos.

It’s just the sad reality that the words you have to say matter less than the face that is saying them.
We have swapped respect for experience, respect for the informed, respect for those with beautiful words for, well, the beautiful. The intelligent often muted behind attention grabbing imagery.

An example is the ongoing move from facebook to instagram, from instagram to tik tok. We move from words with imagery, to less words more imagery, to no words with moving imagery. All in an ongoing battle to win each other over by looking the best. Camera filters (we have all used them), clever and misleading body positioing, lighting to accent out cheekbones and skin tones, editing to humour our onlookers.

And what is wrong with pretty people and images? Absolutely nothing – I wish I could join them! But whilst we are scrolling in our typical places (waiting rooms, in bed, in the bathroom, at the dinner table, in work, when watching the children, on the plane, when walking down the road, when listening to our other halves….) it would be nice if we could all try to delve a little deeper now and again.

To realise that marketing companies pay a lot of money for great images to lure you to their social media pages. Yet that does not mean that their company is any better than their competitor’s company.

To realise that if Jason Mamoa started discussing the recent updates on Covid 19, that he isn’t necessarily as well informed as the middle aged epidemiologist discussing it on a less popular forum, despite being devilishly devishly handsome and having one million instagram followers.

To realise that an attractive model from a recent reality TV programme telling you that ‘you can achieve anything’ may not really mean that YOU can ACTUALLY achieve ANYTHING, but quite possibly means – if you work hard, you may achieve SOMETHING.

To realise that a beautiful soul means more that a beautiful photograph.

#life #wellness #covid19 #love #words #medicine #mediclife #respect #care #mydubai #scrolling #instagram #facebook #marketing #health #mentalhealth

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