Resistance Training…if you don’t do it for now, do it for later.

Ive harped on a lot this year about the risks that are unrecognised for osteoporosis in the ageing population. Especially in post menopausal woman.
When we consider osteoporosis (thinning of the bones) we consider the odd inconvenient fracture or plaster cast.
But osteoporosis can do much more than just put you in a cast for a few weeks. It can disfigure your back (through wedge fractures) giving you chronic back pain, cause broken bones like hip fractures which can cause immobility and put you at risk for life threatening pneumonia (the year survival rate post hip fracture is only 50%).
It can cause breaks in major long bones which cause significant bleeding, putting you at risk for major blood loss if not immediately addressed.
And … for some…worse than the risk of death…it can cause premature ageing as the bones in your face thin and cause skin and fat to sag with less support! Ouch.
Aside from calcium and vitamin D supplements (and some prescribed medications for already osteoporotic patients) the single best way to keep your bone density up is by the combination of a good diet and with weight training.
Get to the gym, speak to the staff and explain that you want to learn more about bone health. A lot of women, and especially older woman, don’t consider weight training to be for anyone other than the Arnold Schwarzeneggers of the world. But this isn’t true!
Don’t let the big guys ‘hog’ the weights. They are for us all!
Probably the least medicine related Doctalk on @podaholiks going here, but me and James Piecowye discuss everything including osteoporosis (I may forget mid sentence what we are talking about at one point) and James harps on about his Kamboucha.…
#life #wellness #weights #exercise #menopause #osteoporosis #mydubai #podcasts #medicalpodcasts Anthony Dalzell Personal Training Megan Hewitt #train #bonedensity

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