Have we missed the ‘sweet spot to our intelligence?’

Lions survive secondary to their strength, their hunting prowess and their ability to see prey during the dark, when at their most vulnerable.
Giraffes and warthogs form an unusual alliance to survive. One is able to feel vibrations close the ground and smell predators as they approach. The other stands majestic and tall, able to use their height to spot predators from a distance. Both notifying each other of any sense to their mutual danger.
Humans, however, we have intellect. The ability to make weapons, fire, hunting aids and barriers for our own protection. The modern ‘kings of our own jungle’ and ‘top of the food chain.’ We have ruled and continue to rule.
Only, are we really that intelligent? Or just greedy?
As we continue to live in a society failing to cope with the modern day existence that we have created for ourselves, we battle a life with man made concerns. Global warming, plastic pollution, extinction to beautiful and unique creatures, depression, stress and increasing rates of suicide and social isolation. Is it time to ask ourselves what humans are continuing to strive for in their destructive path?
At one stage in existence, we were lucky enough as a species to be able to satisfy the 5 basic needs, food, water, shelter, reproduction and safety without too much stress. Then time continued and we began to have an even more comfortable existence; electricity, central heating, convenience.
But we seemingly failed to realise that we may have had enough. Our ‘intelligence’ drove us onwards. Fueling us to create more possessions, computers, internet and travel. Working longer hours, driving for further efficiency within our work life, higher goals for our students and greater expectations from the generations below us.
I am glad my childhood was at a time when we weren’t too consumed with homework, social media or suicide. We had time to be children, and although exam times were stressful, the creative were nurtured and the sporty celebrated. Not everything was about academia.
Sadly, as we continue to speed up, continue to strive for more, we are becoming the enemies to our own existence.
Every shift I work, the emergency board is lit up with ‘MENTAL HEALTH’ OVERDOSE’ “SUICIDE ATTEMPT’ and we only need to pick up a newspaper to read the problems we are creating to our own planet. I recently read in ‘NewScientist(A favourite read of mine…) that we have started to send so many items in to space that Earth is creating its own barrier to the rest of the galaxy. That attempts for space travel in to, or out of, Earth may be affected as we continue to shoot satellites and debris out from our own planet.
Potentially, the most ‘intelligent’ thing may be to realise that there is a sweet spot in life. Having a work life balance, focusing on our vulnerable health, caring for our minds, for our children and taking a step away from this crazy treadmill that we don’t seem to be able to cope with.

One Response to “Have we missed the ‘sweet spot to our intelligence?’

  • Enjoyed looking through this, very good stuff, thankyou. “Be not careless in deeds, nor confused in words, nor rambling in thought.” by Marcus Aurelius Antoninus.

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