What I’ve learnt since meeting my boys…

I cannot make a return  without a little high five to the reason manipulating my absence.

On the 19th of October, 2017, between 1pm and 1.05pm, two little beings entered my life and completely changed everything in it (true to the cliché regarding having children.)

To spare you the last 8 months of my life (which I am sure no one really cares about – and let’s face it, it largely comprises of changing nappies and giving hungry mouths lots of bottles), I have decided it is more appropriate to share what I have learnt since becoming a mum….

You wish you had performed more Kegel exercises prior to pregnancy.

If there is a God, he created an epidural.

A lot of women believe that enduring the pain of child birth without adequate pain relief somehow demonstrates them as superior. I wish we could end this ‘badge of honour’ in exchange for making mother and child most comfortable at what is a crucial time in both of their existences (a controversial one I know, as many disagree. This is just my personal opinion.)

The above comment because labour hurts. A lot.

The above comment because I decided I was curious to know what child birth pain was like before receiving my epidural. This curiosity did not last very long.

Many women, including myself, become feminists overnight after having children.

Men and women are an ENTIRELY different species.

Sleep is a wonderful, wonderful gift to all man kind.

Sleep deprivation is defined as ‘a tendency to talk complete and utter rubbish, achieve very little, whilst seemingly awake.’

Do not hold anyone liable to promises made when severely sleep deprived.

Looks from men checking you out, quickly exchanges to smiling old ladies.

You really miss your pre-pregnancy boobs.

You look ten times worse but care ten times less.

You age very quickly. Overnight.

You no longer get lonely having a shower/going to the toilet or taking time out to shave.

It turns out that you were a slow eater by choice.

A day in work suddenly seems like a ‘doddle.’

The female body is amazing. And when we finally learn to accept that function is more important than form, we will be much happier and content for it.

For all the women that moan at the above, very few would change a thing.

#children #health #wellness #motherhood #twins #life #wellbeing

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