Start Slow and Finish Strong

If I stop to take a selfie, maybe people won’t realise how much I’m struggling….running in 37 degrees.
I still believe I am a runner, even though the marathon I did was in 2006 (can I still hang on to this in 2019?!)
So every now and again I decide to go out and attempt a run – despite only doing the odd sprint as part of a more cross training type of workout.
I do the typical ‘I’ll just go for it’ rather than beginning slowly and working up, and I don’t take note of the running conditions. Yesterday being the prime example. Humidity and heat that I’m not acclimatised to.
This post is saying-don’t be like me. This is why I get injured and unwell!
If you want to start running:
Go slowly and progress at a rate that’s comfortable. Loads of Injuries are sustained by people that start running too much too soon.
Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Before your run, during if possible and after.
Ensure you have appropriate footwear. Running really exacerbates any malalignment you may have. See a running footwear stockist to purchase footwear that compensates for this.
Heat stroke is dangerous. 10% of sufferers will not survive. If you are not used to running in the heat of summer…go even slower and run when it’s coolest.
Get your tunes on and enjoy a good old runners high!

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