Is There Any Love in Love Island?

When the world has war, bring peace.
When the world has hate, bring love.
When the world has love island, bring support!
I’m all for anything being available to watch or read, it’s a new world of freedom of speech and freedom to act. However, I have watched love island once and was saddened by a tv programme that judged people on nothing else other than their looks.
Human beings find comparisons of themselves stressful. It’s a fact. And a reason that social media has hiked up the rates of childhood suicide and depression. The day Facebook was introduced, there was an exponential increase in depression rates in the UK and USA.
I love Facebook. My friends love Love Island. So how we can exist in a world where they, and replicas of them, are commonplace ?
It’s important to be kind as the current trending hashtag states. But it’s also important to remember that you are you. Try not to compare yourself to others. If you have a big belly and your friend is thin-then make the most of that belly. If you have scars on your arms, own them! If you want purple hair-go and get that purple hair and enjoy your new found difference! You are who you are. Be kind to others for their differences, but more so-be kind to yourself for yours.…/is-social-media-use-causing-de…/amp/
#bekind #wearealldifferent #life #suicide #mentalhealth #positivethinking #livelife #love #loversnothaters #wellness #loveisland #mentallyhealthy #socialmedia #love #medicine #mediclife #caring #helpthefuture #socialmedia

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