Do as the politicians do…get them when they’re young!

Childhood obesity in 2016, over the age of five, affected 41 million children globally. The WHO reports children that are obese are likely to stay obese into adult hood and have increaed rates of chronic disease such as hypertension, diabetes and cardiac disease. Illness that can highly impact morbidity and mortality.

Yet it’s not just obesity that’s affecting the young. It’s increased rates of mental health and suicide, ongoing spread of infection (a highly topical cause of concern!) and pregnancy in those under the age of 16.

So let’s get them whilst they are young! We need to get teaching children now (as I have been enjoying in my spare time. Hands down best use of my medical degree to date…making pictures of happy heart and lungs for colouring in purposes.)
They are never too young to influence regarding the importance of a healthy, balanced lifestyle. Teaching them how they should look after themselves (self care is not selfish.) And leading by example with diet, exercise and personal hygiene.

There are always going to be genetic factors that will affect our own probability of contracting certain illness or diseases. But it would be great if we could try to encourage those younger than ourselves to avoid the ones that are a byproduct of our choices.
#life #wellness #childrenshealth #coronavirus #covid19 #mydubai #medicallife #education #healtheducation #medicine #health #mentalhealth #paediatric #chronicdisease #live #children #nursery #medics

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