Posts by Dr Jenna Burton

Contented New Years Resolutions

Life for someone that is content is probably the richest of all. I have always thought it, always felt it,...

Green is for Glowing…World Vegetarian Day is Here!

Some say being vegan means being incredibly healthy, whilst others have images of skinny pale women, nutritionally challenged in need...

Practise as you preach?

I hugely advocate moderate existence. We are either anorexic or obese, either fitness queens or sedentary souls, we are either...

Dr Florence says…

Just because it’s the weekend does not mean we should shoot down the shots. Alcohol is great for helping people...

Fashionable Food

Mini Skirt, Midi Skirt, Long Length to the Floor, Kaftan, blazer, button up or shawl, Shoulder pads, high waist, Levi...

Eyeliner…check, Blusher…check…, Lip Sunblock….Nope

Every where you look, someone is campaigning for us to wear factor 30 or above, over our delicate, wrinkling bodies....

Does having everything sometimes leave you with the feeling of having absolutely nothing?

Last year I was lucky enough to spend 2 weeks in my favourite place on Earth (with the exception of...

Talking about the day job with Forbes

Discussing how corporate wellness is driving forward with value, health benefits and long term employee engagement.  Click on the link...

Better Care of Eating Disorders

I make no secret in my pledge for better care of eating disorders. This starts with increasing our education and...

Are you pregnant…? No.

I actually loved the below article so much, I posted it on my own personal facebook page. In modern day...