Posts by Dr Jenna Burton

Anorexia to Arm Curl

Uh oh-it got real. I actually have a bicep. Lot of body fat to lose in the next 7 weeks...

American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery Hospital

American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery Hospital

Teaching about hyperlipidaemia to my friends @etisalat American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery Hospital – AACSH. Informing them of the benefits...

American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine

Absolutely loved teaching for the American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine today with IBCME. Teaching the complications of Botox and fillers...



Really difficult as a vegetarian to get in my protein. Plus with a super super sensitive stomach, I just can...

To Run or Not to Run?

First experience of someone re-writing my comments…not quite how I would have written them but still! Glad to be of...

Anorexia to Arm Curl

Not as easy getting to the gym in London Town is it?!



Not sure why stationary helps but it does! Potentially doing a Benjamin button with my stickers. Here Imperial College London...

Anorexia to Arm Curl

Anorexia to Arm Curl

Why no updates? No energy. It’s like the light is switched off at the end of the day. Nearly one...

Press TV

Thank you to Press TV for asking me to discuss the benefits of exercise on their TV show. See link...

Anorexia to Arm Curl

Discussing Anorexia to Arm Curl with Suzanne Radford from Dubai Eye.