Dr Jenna Burton
Covid 19 update…. Health Anxiety is out of control!

Covid 19 update…. Health Anxiety is out of control!

Who out there can say they don’t worry?! We are wired to worry. It helped us escape danger in the...


We fear it. We occasionally think about it. But we pretend that it won’t affect us. Only, along with taxes...

Put your hands up if you weren’t worried about Covid 19?

  ‘It’s all a media hype.’ ‘It’s just the flu.’ Well I am definitely putting my hand up (as I...

Safe within these 4 walls?

Today we are being told – ‘Stay Safe. Stay Home.’ Staying within our own 4 walls should hopefully protect us...

The Words That You Have to Say Matter Less Than The Face That is Saying Them..

I’ve been doing a little social media experiment. Changing up the type of images that present the words that I...

It’s incredible what you find in your archives…

I came across a note book that I kept when suffering with bulimia. Unless you have had an addiction or...

Fatter and Fitter?

  Whilst watching The World’s Strongest Man. on wonderful British television this Christmas, I got to thinking, ‘Dearest Lord, these...


This year I’ve left anxiety, stress, work pressure, sleep deprivation and guilt consume me and take away a lot of...

Did we go too far with women’s rights?

As a woman, I’m so extremely fortunate. I get to make my own decisions about what I wear, where I...

Exercise is for any one at any age.

Exercise is for any one at any age.

We often think of sport and exercise for the young. And it’s true-to compete at a high level, it usually...